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Listening From the Web

Local Performer

It worked for me, but I can’t figure out the website layout and what I can listen to with just the free account. I’d really like lyrics, but maybe that’s premium account only?
I’ll try awhile longer and then just move on.


Moderator Edit: Changed title for clarity

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @IDphil. 👋

Thanks so much for posting on the community.

Sounds like you were able to view lyrics, and get back to listening from your iPad device. I moved your post over to the Desktop Space as this relates to your computer device.

Viewing Lyrics from the Web:

  • If lyrics for the currently playing track are available on Pandora, then they will be displayed below the album art. You can click on See All Lyrics to view the full lyrics.
  • If you don't see lyrics there, we don't have lyrics available for that track.


Listening to Pandora from the Web:

Here's more information about how to listen to Pandora from the web.

If you have specific questions, feel free to follow up with me on this thread.


Complimentary Sessions of Premium:

It also looks like you've initiated a few sessions of Premium. The complimentary sessions are available if free or Plus listeners want to listen to on-demand content (playlists, albums, songs). Initiating a free session of Premium will require you to watch an advertisement in order to experience the benefits of Premium.

You can find out more about how these free sessions of Premium work in this helpful article.

Hope this information is helpful. 👍

Alyssa | Community Manager
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