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Mac Desktop: Playback stops and won't resume


I have had my Macbook Pro M2 for 5 months.  I am on Pandora Plus (so I pay for this service and it's worth it). 

 I'm listening to music whenever I am heads down on a task and frequently (like once a day at least), the App (latest 15.0.3 mind you) will just hang up. The scrolling song name continues, but the music is gone and it won't come back until I close app and restart - OR i can change stations and then come back to my station and it starts right back up.


Apple Macbook M2

MacOS 14.2.1

16 G RAM, 1 TB Disk (with 113G free space)

no VPN, no security software 


odd, huh?


and it just did it again.  2nd time today.  The spinning record is going round and round, it's stuck after a song was over..  

ugh.. They shouldn't let business majors write commercial applications.  This stuff is horrible.


Moderator Edit: Merged posts and title for clarity

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14 Replies


Hi @BrianLaRose 

Welcome to community!

Can you tell me a little more about your experience? When listening on the desktop app, are you listening to a single station, or in shuffle?

Do you happen to notice any error message when the music stops? Have you tried clearing the app data and/or cache?

Do you have a similar issue when listening through a web browser?

Thanks for the additionally help!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

I have the same error as you but haven't found the cause. I recently updated to the latest Mac OS and the problem was resolved.

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Hey Tanner, thanks for the note. I came back here today because it just keeps happening.  it's SO incredibly odd and I cannot believe that I am the only one having these problems but I will try and do some debugging with it.   Let me check the brwoser to see if it happens there and I will report back in this thread


Hello support and friends. This latest issue is happening to me in BOTH the browser AND in the desktop Application.  Oddly enough, it does NOT happen on any other platform.  

Per the advise above, i'll update to the latest OS and see if that helps me any.


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Hi @BrianLaRose 

Is this happening on a personal computer, at home, using your WiFi, or a work computer, with an employer connection? Have you noticed a similar experience when using the mobile app?

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Ok, thanks to the debugging assistance here. I appreciate it.

I updated my MacOS to the latest greatest version (15.1 (24B83)), running on my M2 Silicon Macbook Pro from 2022.


I am running Pandora client Version 15.0.3 (15.0.3) and we are STILL GETTING THE FREEZE.

It locks up and won't continue. the spinner just goes (the one inside the App, usually while it is loading the next song for me).

At the suggestion here above, i have also tried on on the Browser  (in my case Chrome  131.0.6778.70).  Currently it is running, but I suspect it will freeze soon.  

Also, let's examine the network. I am on a 1.2GB connection from XFinity which works for EVERY OTHER app.  I am running Zoom, Slack, Teams, WebEx and Google Huddle with camera on for 7 hours a day and i never have any problems with any of that.  

I also go and download huge files (2GB of VIrtual machines with no problems and my latency report is shown below). My Network test results



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I tried another reply and it was marked spam. that's unfortunate. Anyway. i updated  my OS to the latest, MacOS and it's still happening inside the app.

NO i am not on a VPN.  yes, it is my personal computer.

I am trying it on the browser because last week (before the OS update) it happened there too.

(please check my other reply, the one marked spam by your mistake for more details on versions, etc)

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Also, i have incredibly reliable WIFI but I also have wired Internet so I am trying a test there on the wired link to see if there is a connection there.

THanks @Tanner for all your help on this. I love pandora. I pay for it, it's worth the service, AND i listen to it ALL DAY, ALL THE TIME, working or away from work. It's just an AMAZING service for me.

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Hi @BrianLaRose 

Thanks for all the info.

Can you do me a favor and power cycle your modem and router. Based on your above posts it sounds like it's 100%, but I'd like to see if it makes a difference and rule it out completely.

In the meantime, since I don't have any other steps that I believe would be helpful, I've gone ahead and passed your experience along with the information you provided along to our engineering team for further review.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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OK. I am continuing to try and DEBUG this one.

It happened today, FROM INSIDE THE PANDORA APP, While on WIRED INTERNET (not wireless), so we can eliminate the wireless network from the problem stack.

I'm NOW running it on the WIRED network but from INSIDE a Chrome Browser to see if THAT is a recurring problem.

Again, developers probably would love a log file if you could share the location of such.  This is just such a wierd app error when the rest of the environment is so rock solid.

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Tanner, i am grateful that you are here in this thread trying to find what is going on. I have 2 other bits of information to share with you and the developers.

1) I have a full house Sonos system which streams pandora (also several hours a day). This system has NEVER failed, it has NEVER paused, locked up or anything and those speakers are also wireless.  

2) I also stream from my mobile device (cell phone, android over WIFI) and it also has never failed me, it just works to my bluetooth speaker without FAIL.

So, it's for reasons 1 & 2 above that I suggest that this problem is unique to the Mac Client running on M2 Apple MacBook Silicon (on the latest OS mind you), is probably a local bug in the client..

Are there developer logs, or command line flags I can turn on to log things and share that log with your developer team?  I am in the IT business and this really feels like a client side bug.  


Tanner, i have gathered some MORE details on this.   When in the chrome browser, i can listen to music, but if it pauses for some reason - it cannot RESTART from there.   So I switch channels and then it plays again.  I am suspecious of cache, so I am going to try and use a different browser.

By the way, this is a NEW system, less than 1 year old and without any other issues, it's not a frankenstein system of unreliability. in fact, this is the least reliable thing on my computer.

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Thanks for the follow up, @BrianLaRose! This is great information. I've included this in my report to our engineering team.

I've also had a trace enabled on your account to help investigate. I'll let you know if any additional information is needed from the engineering team.

Based on your investigation this seems isolated to your Chrome web browser and Mac Desktop App. Is that correct?


PS: Just an fyi, I'm out of office until early December. So I won't be available if you tag me directly. Didn't want to leave you hanging.


Tanner | Community Moderator

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Seems to be working flawlessly on the FireFox Browser.. I wonder what that means @Tanner 

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