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Ideas: Ability to search and sort within personalized playlists

Ideas: Ability to search and sort within personalized playlists

Status: Open Ideas

Search for songs and artists within your playlist on mobile and desktop

Labels (2)
Opening Act

I see this idea was proposed almost 3 years ago. Is there an ETA on when we will see it added?

Local Performer

There should be an ability to search our own playlist for a song or piece of music to prevent duplicating a song within a playlist.  When you have a playlist of over 500 songs, it is extremely tedious (and antiquated!) to have to scroll through your entire playlist to see if a song is there. Thank you.

Local Performer

It seems pretty clear that Pandora's policy for enhancing their user experience is this...

"Sure, give us feedback. We'll acknowlege it but we won't do anything about it."

I feel handcuffed to them because I've used them for so long, but it's pretty disappointing that I pay $9.99 monthly for Pandora Premium and they've done nothing of value to enhance their user experience..

For the same price you can do sooooo much better with Spotify ๐Ÿคทโ€.

Local Performer
Spotify is 10 times better than Pandora and you can transfer all your data
from Pandora to Spotify using apps on the internet really easy. You won't
regret it!! I did it... and I'm a newbie.
Opening Act
i feel the same way. i've considered spotify and may still go. i keep hoping pandora will give a youknowwhat and do something.
Local Performer

4 years later.... does pandora have the technology to search within a playlist???


What will a normal (non-masochistic) customer do if he is totally ignored like this?


Why do they make it so difficult to delete a song from a playlist? Oh granted once you find the song in the playlist it's a piece of cake! But there are no tools for finding the song? No way to do a search, no way to go to the song from previous locations in your playlists or listening views. I have 400+ songs in one of my playlists and deleting a song is a pain in the **ahem**! Why?

And don't just say make smaller playlists, I don't need responses from <ahem>!

Moderator Edit: Format

Local Performer

I have a personal playlist with over 500 songs. As on today, I canโ€™t search any songs in my playlist or be able to filter/organize my playlist by Genre, Song, or Artist. 

Opening Act

I second this idea! It would be awesome to have the ability to search for a song specifically within our own playlists. (For me, the reason I would request this feature is not so I can eliminate duplicate songs, but to find a song I really like but can't remember which playlist I put it on.)

However, I disagree with the negative comments about Pandora's support. I feel like they do a really excellent job and go the extra mile to help individual users.  There are 246 open ideas right now and they aren't going to be able to get to them all in one minute. Pandora Premium is an amazing bargain for what we already get!