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Ideas: Add AI Agent for better personalization

Ideas: Add AI Agent for better personalization

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Status: Open Ideas

One of my stations, the Digeridoo Pan Radio one, I love most of the music recommended. I would love it even more if I could have an AI agent that I could tell "when playing songs in this station, avoid or don't play any songs that feature a guitar". I don't think my "thumbs down" on those tracks are conveying the reason why not. Some kind of AI prompting for me would be amazing, this way I can be more clear than an inference from a kind of song.

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hi @mrslinkyman 

Welcome to community!

Thanks for the amazing idea. This would be an incredible feature to add to stations. I personally think this would take the personalization to the next level.

Thanks for taking the time to post. The status of your post has been updated to Open Ideas.

Hope to see you around community more!