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Please yes, gapless. For any EDM the gaps completely ruin the listening experience, almost enough to drive me to Spotify. If I pick an album to play, I expect it to play as if I were listening to the CD.
An optional feature where the listener can blend the end of the previous song into the beginning of the next song, helping transitions as well as making the vibe of your playlist or album more vibrant.
Please add this feature. At this moment I am listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall on Spotify, as it was meant to be heard, with no gaps between songs that flow from one to the other. Pandora adds gaps, destroying the experience. If Pandora could play these albums correctly, I would drop Spotify. As it is, I keep Spotify for on-demand music and use Pandora for a radio type of experience (which Spotify **ahem** at). Please let me drop Spotify and pay you more money for Premium with gapless playback.