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Ideas: Dark mode on desktop

Ideas: Dark mode on desktop

Status: Open Ideas

I would like to be able to enable a dark mode on the Windows APP version. I have a monitor tree setup with 4 monitors I use pandora on my top screen when I just need 3 screens for work.

Labels (3)
Local Performer

Yes, please! Dark mode Windows App. It hurts! The light, it hurts!


Dark mode for mac too please!  ignores the system setting

Opening Act

I'm lost....  Dark Mode?

Close the laptop's lid...  Turn off the computer's monitor....  Click your tv's remote and turn the PICTURE OFF Switch...

I don't understand....  Every electronics device made today has a way to shut off the screen while listening to Pandora....

If this is about trying to sleep - then I cannot agree...  this request is not needed....  If this is about hiding under the covers with your laptop, playing video games all night, and Pandora screen is getting you busted? Or so you can break company policy and listen to Pandora at work and not get caught? Then NO. Pandora does not need a Dark Mode....

If this is about trying to be a considerate spouse or roommate by dimming Pandora while your roommate sleeps? Then be considerate! Shut off the Music and let them sleep!


Being a retired COP, If you would have asked for a night vision version, where the screen is displayed in monochrome red to preserve your night vision - for cops and security guards working the graveyard shift - then I would have agreed: Go Dark....

Local Performer

Does Dark Mode offend you ??? If it doesn’t affect you … KEEP MOVING !!! Your comment is irrelevant… The nerves !!! If you are not utilizing “dark mode”, why does it matter ???? 

Opening Act

This is a discussion of ideas. Not all Ideas will find favor with everyone. Are you saying dissenting voices discussing options is forbidden by you?  Another Marxist Bleeding-Heart Liberal making personal attacks instead of bolstering their opinions with facts and open debate - I guess...


I stand by my statements.

Local Performer



I've created a dark theme for Pandora that works in desktop Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera using the stylus (recommended) or stylish add-ons. You can find the style itself on or by searching for Starlightning or using the links below.  I've made the background on all pages black or darker and modified a couple things, but overall I've tried to preserve the look and feel of Pandora.  It is free. 

Now PlayingNow Playing


Local Performer

@starlightningIf I was using Chrome for Pandora I'd be all over that, unfortunately I dislike chrome a lot and so use the Windows App.  Which unless I'm wrong is what this thread was devoted to?
Love your presentation though, too bad Pandora doesn't seem to be listening to this thread (I kid, they might be?), but even if they did something like "buy x theme for the app" I'm sure yours could be sold for a buck or two per download/install. 

End of response to StarLightning.

Basically I would accept almost anything at all to get something like this moving forward, it has been roughly 3 years since this thread was opened, and as far as I know Pandora dev's haven't said a word about any sort of confirmation or hint of progress for a satisfactory resolution.



@protorbI originally posted in another thread asking for dark mode in Pandora web but they moved my post here (it's on page 2) because Pandora web and Windows App are really the same thing.  The Pandora App just runs an embedded browser engine showing the webpage (with only two differences I could find).  That's why if you right-click on URLs in the App and copy them you get the same URL as the website.

Since the Windows App has no extra features and lacks my browser's features I prefer to use Pandora in Firefox, which I run anyway.  Plus then I can use a style plugin to modify it's theme.  🤓

Thanks for the positive comments!  I'd still prefer native Pandora dark mode but my eyes got tired of waiting for it so I made the stylus theme for myself and figured I'd share.


The Stylus and Stylish extensions also work in MS Edge so the dark them above can be used on it as well.  This video shows how to add Chrome extensions to Edge (see 1:35):