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Ideas: Disable auto-generated playlists and stations

Ideas: Disable auto-generated playlists and stations

Status: Open Ideas

I would like the option of choosing whether or not Pandora generates thumbs up playlists. Can this please be a feature a user has the option of turning on or off? While I can see that other uses like it, I personally don't want to generate tens or hundreds of other playlists. Then it just makes my playlist list long and crowded and I have trouble finding what I'm looking for. This is also when I start to think Spotify has a much better user interface. 

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Local Performer

Totally ridiculous that this has not been fixed!!! My collections are littered with hundreds of spurious auto-generated "playlists" that are in the way of my own curated playlists tsk tsk

Diamond in the Rough

I only just today encountered an automatically created playlist from thumbed up songs on a station, and I thought it was a new feature. I browsed my profile settings and the station settings and didn't see a way to disable it, so I came here only to find this post from 5 years ago?!

I hate, with a passion, and I use the term hate sparingly, presumptuous automated actions that can't be disabled. Get a clue! This one is pretty bad. Like I'd want a freaking playlist made for every **ahem** station I listen to? Also, it appears that if you remove a thumb from a song, that song is not removed from the playlist, so, it's inherently prone to errors.

Rather than force automatic features on us, you should be fixing things that are broke. The desktop app is miles behind the mobile app (no warning about duplicate song additions to a playlist, can't consistently play long songs without randomly restarting them), and the gap of silence between tracks on an album is irritating AF. 

Local Performer

Yeah, this is not a feature, it's an annoyance!  I think the best work-around is going back to Pandora Plus.  Also don't like the goofy colors and overall convoluted UI of Premium.  ...and can't find the lyrics anymore.

Local Performer

I completely agree!!