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Ideas: Edit Playlist from Now Playing Screen

Ideas: Edit Playlist from Now Playing Screen

Status: Open Ideas

Please make it easier to remove songs from Playlists and Radio stations!  Any given song should be able to be removed from the now playing screen.  Currently, you have to find the playlist, scroll through hundreds of songs to try to find it, and then remove it.  This should be a one-touch feature please.

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

Labels (2)
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Thanks for the feedback @stevestrike! This would be a nifty feature to add. 👍🏻

Local Performer

Yes!  Please, please add this feature!

Local Performer

Agreed! I have some old and long playlists where it is not feasible to find and remove a song. Similarly sometimes want to remove the song currently playing from the current playlist. There is no option for this. And going to the playlist and finding the song and swiping left is not the answer. 

Opening Act

I agree! 

My problem is this: my playlist will be playing a song that I don't want on it any longer, and the song's screen will be showing on my phone. To delete it now, I have to go back to the playlist and scroll through ALL the songs on that playlist until I happen upon that particular song, and swipe left to delete it. Because a few of my playlists have hundreds of songs on them, this just isn't practical.

Adding this feature would be much appreciated! Thank you 🙂