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Ideas: Explicit Filter For Album Art

Ideas: Explicit Filter For Album Art

Status: Open Ideas

I seem to have the knack of having a co-worker come up behind me when NSFW cover art is displayed and now my office is threatening to block Pandora. Is there a way to turn off cover art or at least hide NSFW cover art?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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Local Performer

I switched to Google play music a few years ago when they are this option. But they are discontinuing and I can't find another music app that lets you disable album art 😭

Local Performer

Honestly, why allow filtering of explicit content and not explicit album artwork? I’d love to be able to browse new titles without feeling like I’m going to be exposed to pornography on every other cover. Perhaps there are those that don’t mind, but there are many who do! How many people can’t bring themselves to listen to a favorite song because the album artwork is rated X? Please help Pandora. This is an easy fix! My conscious needs better representation!!!

Local Performer

Literally had this problem yet again. Its even worse when an NSFW album is chosen to represent my station. Also, my last job recorded people's screens and an old colleague mentioned that one guy almost got fired last Summer because he kept setting off the pornography alert.



1.5 Years later. They still have not implemented this feature. Might as well consider it dead.

Moderator Edit: Format

Local Performer

+1 would love this feature

Local Performer

Why is Halseys nipples being shown on my Pandora music app?


@joeldielman I moved your post over to this existing thread: Explicit Filter For Album Art

While there isn't currently a way to block out explicit album art from showing on your account, I recommend upvoting this feature request with a ❤️to express your interest in seeing it added to the service.

Hope this helps!


@AdamPandora don’t give anyone false hope. This has been requested for over 3 years now and still hasn’t been implemented. 

Local Performer

So I was thinking that there should be an added setting where you can disable the images on iphone to remove album photos. There are some very inappropriate photos that I don't want to keep encountering and I think there should be a way to turn those off.

Local Performer

I would like this as well.