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Ideas: Option to create accounts for children with parental controls

Ideas: Option to create accounts for children with parental controls

Status: Open Ideas

So are we avoiding the responsibility of this or am I just missing the posts...

So we are clear I can't create a minor's account under my account without changing everything for myself.  It appears to be all or none.

So is the only way (which is hardly protected or age appropriate) that would require Pandora to do more than just blast music by artist but garner the ratings overall and classify the account according to that?

If there is a way please share.  I need it as there IS music that is not trash out there. 


Moderator Edit: Changed title for clarity


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Local Performer

I would love to see a feature implemented so that my 7 and 11 year old kids can listen to their music as well. Right now, they use mine and know when to skip a song because it is inappropriate. But I would prefer to be able to set them both up with their own accounts so they can create their own playlists and preferences. There are many options out there for music that provide parental controls, I would just prefer not paying an additional subscription fee since I am already on this "Family" plan.

Local Performer

I strongly agree that parental controls or child accounts are needed. As a parent I not only want to block explicit content but I want to be able to control when my tween can even look at lyrics. He loves music but I frequently find him looking at the phone rather than just listening. This is even worse if music videos are added. Parents have to be able to toggle music videos AND lyrics AND explicit music. A separate kid account would be great but the ability to manage these activities is more important to me. 

Local Performer

I too would like to have the ability to share my family account with my kids and block explicit content from their individual accounts.

Please add this feature. If not I will cancel subscription and choose another music streaming platform that will offer this feature/ability. 


Thank you! 

Local Performer

My husband just upgraded his premium account to a family plan so I can be on it and we thought it would be a good idea to create a Kids account for our 12, 8 and 6 year olds to share so they can listen to disney and other kid appropriate songs on their own account instead of logging on to my husband's account while he is listening at work or messing up the thumbs up playlists...kinda bummed to see that Pandora has come up with a limited kid account/parental control options. I hope they do it soon. 

I can probably make an account and turn off the explicit filter and it be okay but eventually we were going to get each kid their own profile so they can develop their own musical tastes. 

Local Performer

How do you have a "Family" plan that doesn't include support for the children in the family? It made my head explode once I realized that I couldn't create profiles for my kids to control their own music selections.

Nowhere is this explained when describing how the family plan works. Presently I have my entire family setup with Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. I just assumed that Pandora's family plan would work similarly.

Honestly, I'm very disappointed by this misleading product name that the marketing team chose. It would've been much more accurate to call it what it is: a "Group" plan, and make clear that it's not for minors.

I've been a Pandora customer for 10+ years. Since then, I've gotten married, and grown a family. I was planning to be a customer for many more years until today, but unfortunately I don't think this family plan is going to work for our family, and we'll have to take our business elsewhere. I hope you get this feature added, and when you do, we'll consider coming back.

Goodbye, Pandora. It's been nice knowing you 😞

Local Performer

If anyone in the Pandora product team reads this it's a shame I had to cancel my subscription today because I need some sort of parental control on content. This is a massive gap in your product. I'm off to Spotify with a heavy heart because I've spent nearly a decade curating stuff with Pandora. I'm honestly sad to go.


This is at least the third or fourth ideas post about parental controls and family plans I've found today. Not including those that have been archived due to lack of activity.

Pandora needs to consolidate these and then they'd see just how important these features are to us. I, for one, love my stations but am about to quit Pandora for another service that has these kinds of features.

Local Performer

Pandora absolutely needs to add the ability for child accounts with parental controls!  I am seriously considering taking my money elsewhere if this feature is not added!

Local Performer

I am glad I check the forum before upgrading to the family plan! The whole point was to let my 9yo have an account. But I am not putting restrictions on my whole account and lying about her age to get her one. DO BETTER PANDORA. Other applications have parental controls so that younger kids can have an account. You should too. 

Local Performer

Had a single Pandora account for 5 years and loved it. My family is growing, so I wanted to upgrade to a family plan so the kids can explore music too, but like others said, Pandora doesn’t allow for parental controls. I was disheartened to leave Pandora for Spotify SOLELY because of this missing function. After a month of Spotify - I hate it. Pandora: please fix this so you can have my money again.