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I like the idea, but I think keep the thumb up being only 1 time, and maybe add a clickable "like" or something similar for each time the song plays. Also, keep track of it too, so you or someone else [if you so choose] can observe your taste and activity. That is one reason why I don't listen to albums very often, meaning I am not able to keep track of my activity. For example, I really like the idea that stations allow me to keep track of my listening hours.
Related, when I listen to an album, I am unable to thumb a track, but I think that would probably add greater quality to the algorithm for what Pandora thinks I like.
I thought this was an option years ago, but I might be misremembering.
I would like the ability to search by artists/songs, click on the Artists, Albums, or Songs and have a thumbs up button available to thumbs up (by artist, full album, or individual song), instead of this hassle of right clicking and adding to playlist - way too time consuming.