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Please add a functionality to forcefully log out other users on my account. I've noticed that resetting the password doesn't always do the trick and I'll continue to get the "someone else listening" message.
My account has random songs on my playlist that I did not add. Please help us kick these hackers off our accounts. I pay for a family plan so my family and I can have our own accounts, and don’t want to be paying for hackers to listen for free. Not cool!
have you seen the date of the 1st request? it's over a year ago. clearly Pandora HAS answered the request and the answer is "we don't care". the obvious answer to THEIR answer now requires subscriber dollars moving to other platforms that DO provide this feature, and maybe account safeguards that prevent tampering with your stations/playlists to spur them to action. too bad, I've been with Pandora for about 10 years and done allot of work to create my stations, would hate to start over, especially since I think their "music genome" while not PERFECT is about the best categorization for similar stuff out there amongst the platforms. oh well, I and my wallet will have to think about this
If other platforms, apps and services can offer this, surely you can, too. Please add this feature as a good faith effort toward protecting user account security and privacy.