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Please add a functionality to forcefully log out other users on my account. I've noticed that resetting the password doesn't always do the trick and I'll continue to get the "someone else listening" message.
Another +1 to this one, as a Site Reliability Engineer. This seems very much in line with GDPR / CCPA and should absolutely be implemented immediately.
Yes this would be so beneficial! As stated personal information is locked into our accounts and being able to control who is on our personal accounts and being able to force close the unwanted account with me a world of difference.
I live alone and know that Pandora is installed on just 3 devices. I know that it's not currently open on the other two but get this message interrupting constantly lately and it's become anger inducing because I am unable to stop what I am doing at work to access my device. I pay for this service and it's getting to the point where I am ready to cancel my account. Please do something about this glitch before it's too late.
Agreed with this post, I keep having a notification that someone else is listening on my account but I do not know who or from where and it does scare me about my payment info...
Yes, for user security we need a function that allows us to see which devices are attempting to use our accounts. I just recieved a notification someone was using my account and only one person at a time could listen. Im the only person who has access to my account. I pay for a subscription and would like an option to know who is attempting to use my account and a way to remove/block them if its someone i dont know. As well as a wayy to set a device as a "Home" device so we can not be forced out if the account is being used elsewhere.