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Please add a functionality to forcefully log out other users on my account. I've noticed that resetting the password doesn't always do the trick and I'll continue to get the "someone else listening" message.
This would be great. I keep getting this error while trying to use android auto in my vehicle. I'm the only person using the account so it shouldnt even be happenning
Most of the notifications are spurious. It's essentially a software malfunction, Pandora has been aware of it for years, and clearly they have no intention of dealing with it.
I think Pandora sometimes counts my phone as the current stream, as well as the second stream. I know there is no other authorized user trying to play music and when I restart my phone the issue is resolved....
Big Electron Theory (BET) - Cycling the power provided a power surge and freed the big electron that was stuck and causing this problem. Bashing your phone may free it as well but could result in permanent damage to your phone.