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Please add a functionality to forcefully log out other users on my account. I've noticed that resetting the password doesn't always do the trick and I'll continue to get the "someone else listening" message.
@shayatagI've gone ahead and removed all the devices associated with your Pandora account. This will automatically sign you out everywhere including any devices you currently have, so you will need to sign back in once this change takes effect. Please be patient as this may not happen instantaneously.
You will now need to change your password to something new as well.
@mmbishopco I've gone ahead and removed all the devices associated with your Pandora account. This will automatically sign you out everywhere including any devices you currently have, so you will need to sign back in once this change takes effect. Please be patient as this may not happen instantaneously.
You will now need to change your password to something new as well.
@Kebski I've gone ahead and removed all the devices associated with your Pandora account. This will automatically sign you out everywhere including any devices you currently have, so you will need to sign back in once this change takes effect. Please be patient as this may not happen instantaneously.
You will now need to change your password to something new as well.
It seems that this request was placed in 2019. It is 3yrs later, we are paying for a subscription yet cannot view, edit, delete devices within our account (which is standard in free accounts across other platforms). When can we expect this?