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While you're here, check out Pandora Top Thumb Hundred Chart playlist, with the most thumbed-up new releases of the month.



Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 3.18.26 PM.png


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  • From My Collection, tap the name of the playlist you wish to share.
  • Then, from your playlist's backstage page, tap the share icon next to the play button.

We're excited to see the tracks you've been enjoying lately! 🎶

25 Replies

I have gone through my Thumbs-Up Playlist twice to remove any duplicate songs and songs that have been removed from @Pandoras library...This also includes songs that have been moved to radio only...So if you happen to come across any duplicate songs please let me know...

download.jpg Thumbs-Up Created by MOHLovesAlaska this playlist is just south of 3,000 songs...Enjoy the music...

Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @Harleymaxwell93. 👋

Nice to see you around the community space.

I moved your post over to this existing thread to keep everything organized: Share your ‌👍‌ playlist

Thanks so much for sharing your My Thumbs Up playlist with us! :pandora:

Alyssa | Community Manager
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I'm currently listening to @Harleymaxwell93 playlist. Currently at song 63. Lol. Hopefully once I'm done, I'll listen to @MOHLovesAlaska next. 


Local Performer


"  Its like that  "

Opening Act

Hey, here is one of mine. You can listen to i if you like

Opening Act

Hey, you like a lot of very new Indies music.  This is a person from the past that I think you might like, her name is Annie Lennox. Now Anne has a sound, in my opinion that blends in with what you like. One song in particular is walking on broken glass. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.


Hey Bellfire05,

Thanks, I personally don't love Annie Lennox walking on glass but will try to listen to her others and maybe will love the rest.

Catherine Trevino

Opening Act

Hey, this will be my worst epic fail at trying to match someone with a different type of singer or genre but I'm taking a chance. (If I'm way off based at least you know I have a good sense of humor.) Have you ever heard of a group called Zapp. Now I must warn you that this song is like nothing I've listened too off your list but you may just like it and if not try not to hate me too much LOL. Zapp and Rogers Dance Floor. This will be my last attempt so I'm not a pest.


Thanks for the recommendation however I think that Zapp and Rogers Dance floor as well as the band Zapp are more like dancing songs for me rather than doing work with them.

Catherine Trevino

Opening Act

Hey, I'm sorry you like stuff where you feel like you can jump in as a performer. Like Garage stuff. I listen to lots of that but it's old. Like The Glass Opening: Does it really Matter. I'm just so happy that you responded. I love talking about music and never realized it would ever be so hard to get folks to engage in conversation about it even if we have different tastes and philosophies. It's fun for me though because I love certain things but I can listen to about anything. Where I live we have street performers that are really talented. (Mostly instrumentals) They go certain places where there are a lot of people and set up their equipment. Usually a guy with an electric guitar, according player or maybe someone on the horn. I hope you make it really big though.


Hey, no worries I appreciate you listening to my music I know some of the genres are all over. I always found it funny how if someone changed the station I could always sing the song weather that be country, rap, hip hop, Christian, etc. I just love listening to music and seeing how different people react to different genres'. It sounds so cool what you described I love when there are street performers, sometimes they are even better than listening to the music in your headphones.

Catherine Trevino

Opening Act

Hey, you're welcome I appreciate you putting it out there.

This is for @AlyssaPandora and for all the rest of you out there that love reading "Real books" the hard and soft cover books... I have a small collection of books including the Bible (KJV) so I created this playlist just for reading, if you are a reader like myself I give an average of 1.5 hours a day to reading... This playlist only has 8 songs to it but if you are into your reading you will not even notice when it plays through the 2nd time through and by that time I'm sure your reading time will be just about through...

Enjoy the playlist...       download.jpg 8 Is Enough created by MOHLovesAlaska...

Have a blessed day... Take care and GOD bless...
