Search up Antti Martikainen on the net and you get a wonderful collection of instrumental music (great for D&D) but here it takes you to a single jazz album, which I'm not even certain is him.
Search for a specific song, let's say "Wenches and Rum" and you can get the song to come up but get an error when you click on the " +".
I was able to get his music as a Playlist.
... And yes, I've written support, and got a "we'll look into it." months ago.
Hey, @Txj1123!
Thanks for posting on the community, and sorry about that!
I did some digging and there are two different artist profiles, with a very very slight difference in their last names.
"Wenches & Rum" is by Antti Martikainen (Finnish Composer). You can find his Pandora profile here.
I think this is the actual artist you're looking to create a station based on.
There is also another artist under Antti Matikeinen (Finnish Singer). You can find his profile here.
In the meantime, I do see that you reported this with someone from our User Support team via email. I just reported this again from my end to our curation team.
Thanks for your patience while we look into this!