If they play Jim Croce one more time.......
Pick a performer - JT, Cat Stevens, Elton John, Gordon Lightfoot - second song is Jim Croce. If it weren't for Pandora, he'd never be heard from again.
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@bammbamm12 I moved your post to the My Collection space to keep the Community tidy.
If you give consistent Thumbs-down to an artist on a given station, Pandora should learn to stop playing that artist on that station.
While we do not offer an option to prevent an artist from playing on your account or specific stations, it looks like there is an open Feature Request for this: Blocking/Muting Certain Artists / Song Selection Rules.
I recommend giving that post a ❤️to express your interest in getting it added to the service as well.
Of course, if you have added this artist or one of their songs as a seed on that station, or ever Thumbed them up on that station, you would have to remove these seeds or Thumbs first.
I hope this helps. 😁