If we find an album with the incorrect album cover, who can we let know? I sent an email to a third party, as directed by Pandora (content.music@tivo.com Sep 18, 2017) with no result. Any suggestions? THX
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
black sun empire's album 'driving insane' has album art for snakegrinder.
Thank you for reporting this, @hackenslacker.
My collection has an incorrect image of Lisa Shaw - laughable error, but seriously - when will Pandora correct the image of Lisa Shaw? It's glaringly and obviously not her.
@jhowie12000 Thanks for reporting this!
I'll have our curation team look into it.
"Mobile Estates" by Citizen King is displaying the cover of the band's single "Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)".
Here is the correct album cover:
You may also want to contact Warner Records, the band's record label, and ask them to send an update.
Thanks for reporting this, @tommywimmer.
This is the picture that shows up when I play Mississippi John Hurt. It is a picture of the actor, John Hurt.
Mississippi John Hurt? Nope
Thanks for reporting this, @GJ55.
The album art for the album Then and Now by Sheffield - Fussinger is wrong, it is supposed to be the attached album art done by an artist, the current one was a concept sketch. can someone please correct this? Thanks, Jon Sheffield. https://www.pandora.com/artist/sheffield-fussinger/then-and-now/ALJdKwf5mwxhK54
its fixed, thanks,
@jonsheffield Thanks for reporting this!
Not so much the wrong art, but the image for Inoj's "Ready For The World" is very low quality. Pixelated, blurry, and you can see the tabs of the jewel case.
@lotus_pod Your feedback has been passed along to our curation team for further review.
Thank you for reporting.
The Jeff Bates album called Rainbow Man doesn't have an album cover pic. The link to the album is Your Lovin' Talks To Me by Jeff Bates on Pandora | Radio, Songs & Lyrics. Thought I would let you know about it :0).
Thank you for reporting this, @CraftyCatMom2.
I let our curation team know so they can further investigate.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!