Two Feet song mix-up
I can't tell if anything else is different but, Quick Musical Doodles and Go F*ck Yourself are swapped with each other.
Just wanted to let the pandorasphere know!
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@Kayti_93 Thank you for reporting this.
I've passed your feedback along to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Hope we continue to see you around the Community!
@Kayti_93 Thank you for reporting this.
I've passed your feedback along to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Hope we continue to see you around the Community!
I have 3 things to report.
1. The band Skinlab has an album called Revolting Room, with a song on the album called Slave The Way. This came up on Pandora and I gave it a thumbs up. But, at some point, Pandora changed the name of the song to Come Get It, which a different song from the same album. So, Slave The Way is mislabeled as Come Get It.
2. The band Ankla has an album called Steep Trails, with a song on the album called Deceit. However, on Pandora, it is misspelled as Deciet. I see it misspelled as that on a couple other platforms as well, but I'm guessing it's just some platforms carrying on the misspelling, since I see in a majority of the searches the name is spelled correctly as Deceit.
3. There's an American heavy metal band called Chimaira that's long been established and I've listened to them on Pandora for years. However, a new Swiss classical jazz (?) band decided to also call themselves Chimaira and upload their songs everywhere, including on Pandora. So, all platforms think they're the same band. Pandora is playing this Swiss classical jazz stuff on my heavy metal station because it thinks they're the same band. It looks like this new Swiss Chimaira has two albums, one called Smoke & Mirrors and the other called There Is No Alternative. I hope Pandora can find a way to separate these two different Chimairas, cuz I don't like this Swiss Chimaira at all.
@Abrom I've escalated your feedback to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Thanks for reporting!
My player reports that it should be playing Blondie "One Way or Another" from the Parallel Lines album. The album art, however, shows the Bon Jovi Crossroad album and it's actually playing "Living on a Prayer".
Bon Jovi is Not Blondie
@legbamel I've passed your feedback along to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Thanks for reporting this!
Hello, There are several songs on my Oldies station that are remakes of the originals, but are not differentiated as such in the song title/information. It would be great to tell Pandora I am tired of the remake versions to suppress these, but Pandora does not seem to recognize that there is a difference.
This may be difficult to resolve, both due to the number of affected songs and also due to not being able to clearly indicate which version is the remake, but I am happy to help however I can. Any guidance is appreciated!
Thank you.
@ryreinc I'm happy to help report any remakes of songs that are incorrectly titled to our curation team.
The next time one plays, please grab a screenshot and send them in a reply to this thread. Feel free to send multiple screenshots of you are seeing this for more than one song.
(Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments)
Thanks for working with me on this.
Thanks for reporting this, @1dec0.
Your song titles listed versus what song is actually playing for Nun Skull is not correct.
@mettler We'd be happy to escalate your feedback to our curation team.
Can you please provide us with some examples/screenshots of the incorrect song titles that you are seeing?
Thanks for the help!
Stilla You Tun Me On (First Mix)
Emerson, Lake & Palmer -Brain Salad Surgery (Deluxe Edition)
Should be "Still" not Stilla"
Also there is no album cover shown, jus a gray/white image of a record.
I'm listening on a smart TV
@Calico739 Thank you for reporting this - I've passed your feedback along to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Incorrect Song Title
Under the Pearl Jam Album Soldier Field, Chicago 1995, the song listed as "Chatter (Live)" <> is actually the song "Not for You (Live)."
Hi, @serop2. 👋
Thanks so much for pointing this out.
Your feedback has been passed along to the team that handles our collection for further review.
We appreciate you letting us know about this. 👍
How do I let Pandora know when there’s a wrong title on a song?
@Alt2FM I moved your post over to this existing thread: Incorrect song title
What is the name of the song/artist where the track is titled incorrectly?
Can you please provide us with a screenshot of what you're seeing?
Thanks for the help!
@Alt2FM It looks like you may have replied to this thread via email with that screenshot.
Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments.
Thanks again!