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Keep Listening To The Same Music


I need to ask for some help please. I am a bit of a rookie to Pandora. I have a FREE account that I have been using for over 5 years. My Thumbs Up has grown to well over 1,450 songs over that time. I have shared my account with my roommate who also shares the same taste in music. She has now moved from here in Cleveland to out in Tucson. She is looking to create her own FREE Pandora account to continue to listen to the music.

Now comes our challenges. Neither of us are social network people so there is no Facebook, InstaGram, X, Twitter or any of those normal things that people have. We both will have Pandora FREE accounts that we want to keep listening to our same great music that has been built. We don't want to have to build a new one from scratch and its probably time to have our own collection / playlists / etc. Talking with Pandora support, there SHARE for it looks like social networking oriented or COPY LINK which I can't tell exactly what to with it.

What we could really use is a simple step by step of how to make a copy of what we have for the other to use going forward. It sounds so simple but is presenting quite the challenge between translation and execution. The support folks think if they keep saying the same thing over and over again that it get clearer to understand ...... not true.

If anyone could please help, I would appreciate it !!   

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Hi @sjzemka0 

Welcome to community!

Unfortunately, there currently isn't a way to share your entire collection with another listener. We do have feedback for this idea in our Ideas Board. If this is something you're interested in seeing for Pandora, feel free to give it a vote by tapping on the heart. You can visit this idea by clicking here: Ideas: Share entire collection with another listener

In the meantime, since you don't have social media, the only option would be to Copy Link from the content you'd like to share and send to your friend either via text message or email.



Say you'd like to share a station your listening to from a web browser, for example, your '70's Rock Radio' station. You'll first want to visit the station by clicking on the name. This should take you to the station page.


70s Rock Station.png



Under the album art on the left side, you'll see an arrow to the right of the play button. When you hover over this arrow with your mouse, it will say share.

Click Share.png





Clicking the share button will open a smaller window. Now you should see two options to share, either to Twitter or Copy Link. Since you don't have social media, you'll want to click on Copy Link. This will copy the link for this specific station.


Copy Link.png


Once you click copy link, you'll be returned to the main station page. A notification will appear at the top to confirm that you've copied the link.


Link Copied.png



Now that the link has been copied, you can open an email and paste the link within the body of the email to send to your friend. Alternatively, you can paste to a messaging app, if one is available on your computer, to send the link.

The recipient of the link would need to click on the link, or copy and paste the link into a web browser,making sure to log into their own Pandora account, and it should be automatically added to their collection.

Here is an example of how that will look in an email:



These share steps are similar when listening on a mobile device as well. Once you've copied the link you can send over in a text message to your friend. When they tap on the link from their mobile device, it will open Pandora and it should add the station to their collection.

Keep in mind, the type of content you share is dependent on subscription tier. I see that you're currently upgraded to a trial of Pandora. On-demand content like songs, albums or playlists may not be available too free or Plus users.

I hope this helped.


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