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More Sorting Options for Playlists


Does anyone else find it beyond frustrating that you cannot sort a vurated playlist?  I pay for Premium Pandora and cannot even sort a playlist?


And why isn't there a mechanism to identify and delete duplicates from a playlist.


What is wrong with Pandora....?  They really need to up their game.



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49 Replies


@timjufc I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

While that is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️ to express you interest in getting it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

I also recommend leaving a comment with your specific suggestion on that thread.

Hope this helps! 

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Local Performer

I have created a playlist. I have duplicates in MY playlist. How do I arrange MY playlist in an order so I will be able to see those duplicates? If you have more than 500 songs in your playlist, it is hard to see duplicates. 

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@snkwilliams23 I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

While that is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️ to express you interest in getting it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

I also recommend leaving a comment with your specific suggestion on that thread.

Hope this helps! 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

This frustrates me as well. I have a long playlist of all of my favorite, upbeat songs, but each time I want to play the most recent songs I added, I need to scroll all the way down the 500+ songs in the playlist. Wth, Pandora?! Do you really want users to switch over to Spotify?

Local Performer

One of those requests is from 2019.... yet here we are in 2024 and it hasn't happened. Doesn't give me much hope that you all will ever do it. 

Local Performer

I recently subscribed to Pandora and I am creating an ultimate playlist and would like to have them listed by artist. Is that possible? I am not finding that option anywhere. 

0 Kudos


@DaLioness I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

While that is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing Idea with a ❤️ to express your interest in seeing it added to the service: More sorting options for Premium

I also recommend leaving a comment with your specific suggestion.

Thanks for being a part of the community! :pandora:

0 Kudos

Local Performer

The sort a playlist alphabetically by song request has been with Pandora since at least 2019,

Very frustrating there is not an option within Pandora to sort.  Dragging a song to the top of a playlist to attempt to cleanup the list is inadequate.

Pandora makes it very easy to duplicate songs - and the entire playlist within the current playlist.  Don't let us add duplicates (or at least prompt us to confirm)

C'mon Pandora - it should not be that difficult.  Spend some effort to appease current customers and encourage customers.  Tough to recommend Pandora without this feature. 😞

Is Pandora no longer puttine any resources to development?



0 Kudos

Opening Act

Pandora needs a way to sort long Playlist so I can remove duplicates and unwanted songs without manually panning through the entire playlist.   Also it appears there's a 5000 song limit to playlists, is there a way to increase this limit?  

0 Kudos


@Rob_Bekker I moved your post over to this existing thread: More Sorting Options for Playlists

I recommend checking out this Idea and leaving a comment with your specific suggestion: More sorting options for Premium

Make sure to give the post a ❤️ as well to express your interest in getting it added to Pandora. 

Additionally, if you'd like the option to create a playlist with more than 5,000 tracks, I recommend creating a new thread in our Ideas space here

Hope this helps explain.

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