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Promoted stations or podcasts automatically added to collection and/or plays on its own


Having stations added here also. I see previous responses stating to reset the password due to a possible account hack. I say BS! The stations are being added and start to play while I am already logged in and playing music. How can someone log in while I am already logged in? Why would anyone go through the trouble of hacking my account only to add a random station that is totally unrelated to my playlists every other day? If all these accounts are being hacked, what is Pandora doing to stop it? 

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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25 Replies

Local Performer

I’ve had the same issue as well- I’ll be listening to a station and then it’ll cut the song I’m listening to and then play “pop billionaires” radio- the station will have been added to my feed. Yesterday it added “Blanca” radio. I don’t want these channels- especially not when it cuts in mid song. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, @Wakirkleu.

I have escalated this over to the engineers who are looking into this issue.

Thanks for all your patience in the meantime as they work to find a fix. 🛠

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I have had the same Collection for many years and it is focused on classic rock and southern rock.  For some reason a couple of months ago a new playlist titled "Today's Top Hits" suddenly appeared in my Collection and it plays absolutely unbearable music.  To add insult to injury it defaults to that station EVERY TIME.  I have deleted this playlist multiple times, but it reappears and is the default the next time I start Pandora EVERY TIME.  What is happening?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@jseal39560 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Promoted stations or podcasts automatically added to collection and/or plays on its own

I have added your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I'm having the same issue 

I was listening to SALES radio when suddenly Drake started playing. Check my phone and it's switched to Life @ Pandora - Outside Sales 2018: Outside Sales is Better With Sound On playlist. My phone was sitting next to me so it's not like I accidentally pressed something and I was listening to a station (not a playlist) so it's not like it switched over after exhausting a playlist.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@xerokul Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Were you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?

  1. If you were on a computer, were you listening from:
    • A Mac or Windows computer?
    • Our website, or the desktop app? If you were listening from our website, what browser were you using?
  2. If you were on a device, what is the make and model (and carrier, if applicable)?
  3. Was there an error message? If so, what did it say?
  4. What day and around what time did it happen?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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