A week ago, I loaded up hard rock station and liked a few songs. One was added but after that the rest didn't go on the playlist
Still shows them thumbed up in the station, just not appearing on the playlists automatically. It's done it to a few other stations after I checked
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Pandora Update - 7/3/23:
Hi, everyone!
I wanted to provide an update to let you know this is now resolved.
Moving forward, all Thumbs Up ratings should now be getting added to your My Thumbs Up playlist automatically.
Unfortunately, any Thumbs Up ratings given between 5/25/23 - 6/4/23 will need to be manually added to your My Thumbs Up playlists manually.
Since this is now fixed, I will be closing this thread from additional comments, however feel free to create a new thread if you experience any issues with this in the future.
Thanks again!
Why are none of the songs that I have thumbs upped the last few days not being adding to any of my playlists including the thumbs up playlist? Im rather very aggravated at this. At least 30 songs and I have been paying for premium for years now. What is going on!!!??? Do I need to cancel?
@Tatersalad I'm happy to help look into this further.
To clarify, is this only an issue with your Hard Rock Playlist?
Or do new tracks you give a Thumbs Up to on your other stations also not get added to that stations linked Thumbs Up playlist?
Also, do the tracks you give a Thumbs Up to on your Hard Rock station get added to your regular My Thumbs Up playlist?
Or are they not getting added there either?
Let me know.
@speedy6k I've enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what's happening.
For this trace to be useful, we'll need you to reproduce this issue on your end.
Please give a new track that plays on one of your stations a Thumbs Up.
Then let me know what the name of that track is, along with what station you gave it a Thumbs Up on.
Thanks for working with me on this.
Multiple radio stations are doing it. I tested it with a whiskey Myers radio and got the same result, not adding to the linked playlist or my thumbs up.
As far as to the my thumbs up playlist, it's not adding them their either from any of the stations. Currently it's only 2 stations that have done this
Thanks for following up and confirming that with me, @Tatersalad.
I've enabled a trace on your account to help us better understand what's happening.
For this trace to be useful, we'll need you to reproduce this issue on your end.
Please give a new track that plays on one of your stations a Thumbs Up.
Then let me know what the name of that track is, along with what station you gave it a Thumbs Up on.
Thanks again for all your help with this.
Thumbs Up not saving to Thumbs Up PLAYLIST
I am subscribed to Premium and have been for about eight years. All of a sudden, a few days ago, when I 'Thumbs Up' a song, the song is not being saved to the Thumbs Up PLAYLIST - NOT STATION. This is the first time this has ever happened. I've tried signing out, logging in on my different devices, nothing.
Hard rock radio since thats been the one we've been on about, Broken Like Me by Citizen Soldier and Together Right by Finger eleven have both been thumbed up for the trace
Pandora Update - 5/26/23:
Note: This message has been Accepted as a Solution to flag the current steps and/or status of this thread.
Hi, everyone!
We have received reports from a number of users regarding thumbed up tracks not getting added to My Thumbs Up playlist, or the linked Thumbs Up playlist for the station.
If are also experiencing this issue, we're happy to look into it for you, but we'll need a bit more information first. Can you write us back with the following?
Thanks for working with us on this. 🤝
@Tatersalad @speedy6k @mycharchar I have created a ticket with our engineering team so they can help us further investigate this issue.
Thanks for reporting, and we appreciate your patience in the meantime!
This is happening to me also. I am thumbs upping tracks and they are not adding to my thumbs up playlist. This morning I thumbed up from Jimmy Buffett Radio the track was Follow Me by Uncle Kracker. That and numerous other songs haven't added toy Thumbs Up Playlist. My count is stuck at 420, albeit a great number, but I pay for premium.
@mycharchar Yes - please keep an eye on this thread as this is where we will be providing updates for this issue.
Please note that at this time, I do not have a timeline on a fix for this, however I will make sure to comment on this thread as soon as I have that information.
@Bsoske Thank you for providing that info - I have also added your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
I have this same problem and it's so frustrating. Thumbed up about 10 new songs from Autoplay and they arent showing up on my Thumbs Up.. I cant remember the names of the songs- their in the electronic genre. I only listen to my pandora on my samsung phone. I've checked all over my station with no luck. Mad because pandora is finally giving me new stuff to listen to and now it won't save.
@DopeLush I moved your post over to this existing thread: New tracks don't get added to My Thumbs Up or linked Thumbs Up playlists
I've passed your feedback along to the engineers who are currently looking into this.
While there is no timeline on a fix for this issue yet, keep an eye on this thread as this is where I will be providing you all with any updates I receive.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Doesn't matter what station or song I thumbs up it won't add to my thumbs up playlist. After 2 hours trying nothing has worked. Very frustrating for something you pay for.
Same thing has been happening to me! Please Help!!!!!!
I am unable to see my recent thumbs up on my playlist. I logged out and logged back in and it didn’t fix issue.
please help!
@Dlowe1969 @Sage007 I definitely understand your frustration.
I've made sure to add your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team as well.
Thanks for all your patience as they continue to look into this.
@stephramirez6 I moved your post over to this existing thread: New tracks don't get added to My Thumbs Up or linked Thumbs Up playlists
Our engineering team is aware of the issue and is currently looking into it.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!