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Google Assistant: Artist name no longer included in response


I have noticed that for the past month or two when an artist is playing a song that I don’t recognize but I like the song I want to hear who is performing. Whenever I ask Pandora anymore the only thing I get is the name of the song, no matter how I ask the question. I can say something as simple as “who is singing this song”  and The only reply I will get is the name of the song it will never tell me the artist anymore. This has only been happening for about two months now.  I use Pandora on a Bose Portable Smart Speaker.  I have contacted Bose, and they told me the speaker can only give information that is supplied to it from the music application .  I have contacted Pandora several times and they only say they don’t know what’s wrong wrong

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Hi @Topwop 

Welcome to community!

Sorry to hear this is happening. I'm happy to pass this along to the appropriate teams for further review. Can you tell me the make and model of the speaker you are using and which service provided (e.g. Google Assistant)?


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I have a Bose Portable Smart Speaker and use Google assistant on it and
Pandora as my music source
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