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LG TV: How to connect Pandora

Local Performer

I need help getting my pandora connected to my new LG tv

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity



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2 Replies


Hi @Joecor 

Welcome to community!

You can use the following steps to activate your LG TV:

  • Launch the Pandora application on your LG.
  • Select New User.
  • An activation page will appear with a code - leave this code up on the device screen as you continue.

Then, from the web, visit and enter the activation code there.

Alternatively, from a mobile device, open the Pandora app and go to Settings, then tap Device Activation and enter the code.

Finally, select Continue on your LG TV.

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Local Performer

It did not work, I have spent more than three hours trying and it does not work.........I would advise everyone to stay away from LG tvs

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