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Pandora plays on song or two then stops until I fast forward

Local Performer

Samsung smart TV model UN 65 MU 8000. The device has been in place for over 4 years with a Pandora paid account that has worked very well. Last week we had a nine-plus-hour power outage and since that time it loads one song, plays it, and then stalls.  If I fast forward or if I go to my collection and change the collection setting it sometimes continues playing otherwise it still stalls. I have been through an entire checklist including restarting the modem router device removing the Pandora program reinstalling removing power from the device overnight then restarting again. Nothing seems to fix it. I recently saw a message regarding disconnecting IPV6, tried that but didn't work either. I spent over an hour today with a SAMSUNG cust. service tech on a video call.  He walked me through the entire TV setup including a reset of the smart hub and a firmware update.  Our shared conclusion was that the problem wasn't in the TV.  I like the program format and my collection has grown over the past four years so I hate to give up and find another music program. However, in the current configuration and condition, the program is essentially useless.  Suggestions anyone???

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@finegtrplayer To clarify, are you experiencing the same issue that users have been reporting here?: Samsung TV: No Sound

Some users mentioned that it appears that a track is playing on their Samsung TV, however there is no sound.

Or does the music completely stop on your TV, and the timer doesn't even move at the bottom of the screen?

Let me know.

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