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(Resolved) Roku: Playback Stops


Pandora Update 1/18/23:

Good news! We believe the issue with playback stopping on Roku has been resolved. This fix was released on Roku's side and should be available to all users now.

No additional steps are necessary to receive this update, however, if you continue to have trouble, it may be helpful to run through some Roku troubleshooting steps once more.

Since we believe this to be resolved, this thread will be closed to future comments. If you run into this issue again, please create a new post and reference this thread.

Thanks for being part of community!

Pandora Update: 1/13/23


Hi all! Thanks for posting your experiencing with playback stopping on your Roku devices. Our engineering team is aware and currently investigating. Everyone who has posted so far has been added to our ticket.

We've also received reports from listeners that say playback stops when the screensaver is activated on their Roku. Some listeners mention that the screensaver is enabled but doesn't activate when playback stops.

Please try disabling this screensaver on your Roku to see if this helps. You can use the following steps to disable the screensaver.

From the Roku Settings > Theme > Additional settings > Screensaver start time > Disable screensaver.

Thanks for trying that out!

Updates will be posted in this thread as they are made available to the community team. Thank you for continued patience.

If you're new to this thread and would like to be added, please post the following info in your message:

  • What is the model?
  • What is the serial number? (Settings > System > About)
  • What Roku software version is your device using? (Settings > System > About)


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63 Replies

Local Performer

My pandora music stops after 1 or 2 songs.  I am playing it on my Roku.  Have been using it for several years and it just started this.  It plays on my phone and tablet fine.  I have restarted Roku twice. I have removed it from Roku and re-installed it.  Still doing the same thing.  Also I cannot LOCK the sort to Alph any longer.  It used to lock Alpha sort, but no longer.  Tablet and Phone lock it fine.  Is there some kind of upgrade to fix all this.


0 Kudos



My TV is almost always off, so it doesn’t impact me.

If you need your television to be on for the music to play, some TVs allow you to turn the display off.

I’m not suggesting this as a permanent solution, but as a temporary workaround to be able to use the app until they get the bug fixed.


It's all good, thanks for the suggestion. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that they'll fix it soon since the issue just started out of the blue for me. If I could get into the Roku OS maybe clearing the Roku app cache would help, or if there was some way to roll back the latest update. 

I tried that too a while back and it seemed to be good for about 4 weeks. Then it happened again!

Now, recently, maybe 2 months now, it has been fine. I almost suspected it could be the ads. Not sure.
I did notice it doing just a long pause once then it went to next tune recently.


Deleting Pandora and reinstalling it shouldn't work as it appears to be a bug introduced in the last Roku update to Pandora. The  only thing that works for me for Roku Pandora is to disable the screensaver. This of course brings up burn in. My TCL allows me to turn off the screen by using the * key. Android casting and Windows don't have the problem. Nor does my Roku 3 that hasn't updated the Pandora app. The bug needs to be fixed!

0 Kudos


On my pandora, my Christmas Channel that I had created played like it should have during Christmas.  When I switched back to my other two favorite channels, Celtic music or Folk music (similar to bluegrass), neither channel would play past the first song.  And to make matters worse, the Folk music channel is now playing strictly instrumental operatic music and since I am not a paid subscriber at this time, I can only click 'don't like' a very limited amount of times.


So no..... my issue has not been fixed.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I was experiencing the same issues with my Roku Soundbar. I performed a factory reset with defaults, reinstalled Pandora, amd the problem seems to be solved. 

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Local Performer

I am having the exact same problem within the same timeframe. Has Pandora offered any useful suggestions?

I have read numerous complaints about this from the last couple of years. Does Pandora still not know to address this? It is clearly a relatively common problem

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Local Performer

My previous post was intended as a reply to a user who complained on 1/7/23 of Pandora failing to play more than one or two songs on Roku before stopping. I do not see the original post now so there is no context to my comment. 

I too am having the same issue and only noticed it yesterday. I have removed Pandora, reset the Roku, and added Pandora again. 

Problem is still not resolved. When adding the channel back, it dated the version at 1/5/23. 

In addition to failing to play continuously, there is now an audible voice stating, "pause", "replay", etc. when pressing left or right on the remote. It also says, "loading, rih" between songs. Obviously there are some bugs with the recent update

I have a paid subscription

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Local Performer

I just realized that the voice I was hearing was Roku's  "screen reader" that defaulted to "on" when I reset the Roku, so this was unrelated to Pandora and was easy to resolve. 

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Local Performer

Are are experiencing a drop with Pandora on our ROKU channel with Spectrum TV.  I checked other streaming programs on  ROKU and they are working fine, so it's Pandora that is dropping out after only a few minutes.  Any ideas?



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Same thing happening with me. And this just started. it used to work fine. Pandora on my TV stops playing after one song and goes to the Roku screen. If I cannot fix this, I am cancelling my subscription to Pandora


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Local Performer

I think I have it fixed on mine. I went into screensaver settings and set the screensaver start time to 10 minutes and after the third song the Pandora app screensaver kicked in and now I’m about 7 songs in. Hope this helps. 

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Excellent find, TTEdmond!

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Pandora has offered various things to do to fix this issue, but nothing they have suggested has worked.  I'm the one who had originally created this post "way back whenevever," and it's (Pandora) is still not working. 

It's also been in the "Pass the buck" category in that Pandora thinks it might be on Roku's end and that's where the problem lies, but when I bring this issue with Roku, the issue is with Pandora.

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Local Performer

Playing Pandora on Roku music stops after one song and will not continue without using the remote to move to the next song and it does that after every single song when using my Roku on smart TV.

I've rebooted modem twice, restarted the Roku twice and deleted the Pandora app twice and it's still doing the same thing.

What the heck is going on! This just started in the past 2 weeks. It was playing wonderfully before Christmas. Now it's a piece of trash!


Help please and don't just suggest doing all of the things I've stated above because none of that worked!

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Local Performer

This was happening to me since Christmas.  Today I uninstalled the Pandora channel ( blue icon) and reinstalled a new version of Pandora channel ( black icon). Still didn't play the next song.  I rebooted Roku and it finally worked. Maybe give it a shot.  

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Local Performer

I am using Pandora on my Roku stick on my TV. It keeps stopping after each song unless I advance the song manually with the double arrow button. 

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Local Performer

As stated all of those things have already been done! Nothing works!

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Local Performer

The issue for me is the Roku Screen saver stopping pandora.  I have set the screen saver in the Roku menu to delay for 30 minutes and now it plays for 30 minutes.  

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