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Ad Feedback - Controversial Ad

Local Performer

I have just started hearing ads from Mike Lindell on your platform....therefore I will be removing Pandora from all of my devices and choose another platform. I will also share this information with my social media followers. To say it is a poor choice to allow his ads on Pandora is an understatement!  Allowing a conspiracy theorist to advertise with you just shows where your support is and I will be sure to share this with my social media followers! 

Please don't respond with "Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part. We realize the prominent placement of many of our ads may give the impression that Pandora somehow endorses the product, issue, candidate, etc. but we do not." because that excuse is almost as bad as allowing his advertisements!

Wake up Pandora!

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56 Replies

Local Performer

I was going to renew my subscription until I heard an ad by My Pillow Guy.  
sorry.  I’m out.  I’ll see what Spotify has going on. 

Local Performer

Wondering why Pandora is still airing ads from Mike Lindell?  Really?  The guy participated in the greatest lie/conspiracy theory told to the American people.  Come on Pandora......please do better.   

Local Performer

Truth! In addition to his business crashing into oblivion!

Local Performer

AGREE!! I just logged in to send a comment for the first time and saw your post. We just turned Pandora off after hearing that complete nut blathering on. Spotify for holiday gifts for my family. 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I agree, this ad is making me nuts. Why on earth would it need to be racially-coded at all? Come on, Tide?!

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Local Performer

Jesus people. Really? Karen.

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Local Performer

Wondering why Pandora is still playing Mike Lindell's ad for his products.  The guy has lied to the American people for a number of years now about a stolen election.  Can we please move past all this stuff and not give folks like this any air time or benefit?  

0 Kudos

On the Rise

I have a serious question because it seems common on here , why not just subscribe to Pandora Plus for $4.99 per month and just avoid all commercials and advertisements. I have seen a lot of discussion, complaints about the commercials, so I am curious. 

0 Kudos


Very Sad RogueTraveller...  Pandora is excellent overall, adds are adds and so do not endorse said company.  What are you 15 years old?

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Take the hate down AdaVenture, please... this is music, upgrade to premium?  It's called freedom of speech in the United States... 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Pandora - The Ad from coalition life is 💯 false information regarding the petition in Missouri to restore medical access to women in Missouri. I’m shocked that Pandora would allow the outright inaccurate information and scare tactics that this organization has put in their ad. Telling Missourians signing a petition will allow partial birth abortions and pain to “babies” in the womb is like running an ad for the earth to be flat or drink bleach for COVID. It’s misleading to listeners and false information. Pandora surely has adopted a method of ensuring they are not contributing to lies to the public regarding the rights of women in exchange for ad money I would truly hope. 

Local Performer

I am trying to be in a good mood, listen to music and get my vide going and along comes an ad on abortion.  Ewwwwww, really.  To make matters worse, it is a false claim and misinformation.

The ad states that a woman has to leave the state, for one reason or another, to get an abortion; high untrue...  misinformation.  It is an easy lookup to discover that if a pregnant person (I think they meant woman) is needed to preserve that woman's life, than a doctor is authorized to perform the procedure.  No need to leave the state at all.

Why would Pandora permit misinformation in their ads?  Why would such a topic be allowed to be broadcasted?  I see people complain about a pillow guy, ahhhh, but somehow this is OK?

Local Performer

I totally agree.  This ad is not appropriate and should be removed.

I'm fine listening to commercials, but how do we stop the constant bombardment of abortion commercials?  Literally, the same Biden abortion commercial comes on every hour.  There should be a like and dislike button on commercials to ensure they don't continuously show up in your listening experience.

Moderator Edit: Merged comments


If I wanted to "Celebrate Pride Month" I would surely know how to find music for that. Please just stop. I have the highest level of membership and am fully functional with the search features. I do have "notifications" allowed on my Android, in case something important comes through from Pandora. Loyal customer since 2010.

Is there a way to selectively receive notifications; you know, like ones that are in regard to Pandora and not to one's sexual preferences? Is that too much to ask?


Pre-natal homicide isn't a reproductive right.

"homophobic hate group"  😄🤣  You mean "supports anatomically natural relationships."

Agree. Why be prideful about the most basic, carnal instinct an animal has?  "Let's be proud of how we've debased ourselves to our sexuality!"  By all means sleep with who you want, love who you want, but celebrating it with "arrogance month" is silly.

Moderator Edit: Merged comments

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Why did i open my app to find pride party added to my playlist albums. I never requested this and never wanted this.

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Local Performer

Wal Mart needs to stop running racist ads. I just heard an ad that I'm supposed to give a "shout out" when I have enjoyed a "black product."

Can you let me know what that even means? What about if I have enjoyed an Asian Product or perhaps the White cracker ad

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