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Ad Feedback - Political Ads

Local Performer

Remove Sleep Joe Biden Ads or i will stop using.

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1 Solution

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Perhaps the best place to start is to tell you that, like virtually all media outlets, the advertising content on Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part. We realize the prominent placement of many of our ads may give the impression that Pandora somehow endorses the product, issue, candidate, etc. but we do not.

We recognize that certain material is sensitive ground, so we do our best to preserve the listening experience. All of our ads are thoughtfully vetted by folks across various teams at Pandora, to ensure they are free from speech or content that is hateful, illegal, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate or unfair. While we respect the perspective of each individual, and while there are occasional judgment calls still required, we feel strongly that our advertising platform should not be in the business of censoring.

You might also consider upgrading to Pandora Plus or Pandora Premium. These are our advertising-free subscriptions, which also offer a number of other benefits you might find attractive.

For instance, Pandora Plus includes unlimited skips, replays, and offline listening, while Pandora Premium boasts all of these features as well as a curated, on-demand library.

Of course, we're happy to have folks listen, whether they are paid or free.

Thanks for listening to Pandora, and thanks again for taking the time to write us - it means a lot that you care enough to speak up. 

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6 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Perhaps the best place to start is to tell you that, like virtually all media outlets, the advertising content on Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part. We realize the prominent placement of many of our ads may give the impression that Pandora somehow endorses the product, issue, candidate, etc. but we do not.

We recognize that certain material is sensitive ground, so we do our best to preserve the listening experience. All of our ads are thoughtfully vetted by folks across various teams at Pandora, to ensure they are free from speech or content that is hateful, illegal, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate or unfair. While we respect the perspective of each individual, and while there are occasional judgment calls still required, we feel strongly that our advertising platform should not be in the business of censoring.

You might also consider upgrading to Pandora Plus or Pandora Premium. These are our advertising-free subscriptions, which also offer a number of other benefits you might find attractive.

For instance, Pandora Plus includes unlimited skips, replays, and offline listening, while Pandora Premium boasts all of these features as well as a curated, on-demand library.

Of course, we're happy to have folks listen, whether they are paid or free.

Thanks for listening to Pandora, and thanks again for taking the time to write us - it means a lot that you care enough to speak up. 

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Local Performer

It just seems that accepting as an advertiser someone dancing around the edges of treason is certainly taking a stand. 

Local Performer

Ad against democrats

Anyone else tired of hear the commercial where the woman states that becoming a mother was the best thing she ever did?

0 Kudos

Local Performer

The ad in Nevada on abortion that Joe Biden supports is misinformation.  The woman in the ad states she needs to leave the state to have an abortion... that is incorrect.  And then it states Joe supports this.  This needs to be taken sown as it is incorrect and election interference....  come on Pandora, you can do better than that.

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Local Performer

The political ad running currently (6/24) that runs down what the ad calls the "MAGA Supreme Court" is offensive to this independent voter.  Regardless of one's affiliation, this ad distorts, villainizes, and spreads outright lies about the Court and its decisions.  If the Supreme Court bases its decision on the Constitution, then its decision should be respected.  One does not have to agree with it, but to spread falsehoods and political poison is just wrong.  Please remove this piece of vitriol.

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Local Performer

The ad that calls Trump supporters "white supremacists" should not be allowed. That is not political campaigning, and it's driving me away from my favorite music sight.

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