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Ad Feedback - Political Ads

Local Performer

Remove Sleep Joe Biden Ads or i will stop using.

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48 Replies

Local Performer

I saw your post while looking for how to complain about the ads. I was enjoying the music only for a DHS ad to play which is highly negative. I am not affected and was offended. I listen for fun not toxic politics. It’s not good business to insult the audience I am listening to Apple Music instead. 

Local Performer
Dear Pandora Support,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the advertisements I keep hearing about deportation. As a result, I will no longer be listening to Pandora.
If you do not want to listen to my concerns, I don't see why I should continue to listen to your platform. Thank you for ignoring my previous posts about this issue.
I understand that my decision to stop using Pandora may not make a significant difference to your company. However, it will at least allow me to feel that I am doing the right thing. I can easily switch to Amazon Music or Spotify, both of which have fewer ads.

Local Performer

I keep getting political ads and I am not happy with the type of ads that are being presented to me. I want to know how I can mark it as not interested because these ads do not align with my views. I do want to allow explicit content on my pandora because some music I like have an occasional F word and sometimes the language is strong. I don't believe I should have to change my preference in music because of the ad situation. There should be a button to mark it as not interested so i can get different type of ads. 

Local Performer

Why is the Kristi Noem immigration ad on pandora?? What is pandora telling us? Are you anti-immigration? I sent an email about this to customer service and they said theyd forward my complaint to the ad dept but it seems the appearance of the ad has just increased. I’m banning the pandora app. I can’t believe they are so openly anti immigrant and are airing such a threatening message. I’m not dealing with apps that don’t share my values and beliefs. 

Local Performer

Why are you playing hate ads from homeland security. 
I will start a boycott on pandora’s 

Local Performer

I am appalled by the politics ads supporting Trump racist anti immigration political ads.  We already know there have been unlawful detentions even to legal immigrants as well as inhumane conditions for undocumented immigrants without criminal background an undocumented  immigration is a civil matter. Children nd women subjected to sleep deprivation, crowded cells, cold showers, undue process, and many more. I am canceling my subscription to Pandora. I will not support this kind of atrocious ads and propaganda. 

Local Performer

We need to report a political ad that uses hate speech propaganda against the Latino/Hispanic community.

Local Performer

The Kristi Noem ads threatening immigrants are offensive, hostile and racist. After years of hearing hardware store and auto parts ads, these are of an entirely different nature. They have no business on a music streaming platform and demonstrate shockingly bad judgement on the part of Pandora. Keep running them and you will see a drop in listenership. 

Local Performer

Its appalling that you are using the ad to misinformed people about immigration. And still threating immigrants. Horrible!!!!