This is very annoying. Apparently Pandora has more Spanish speaking listeners in my area than English. I get. Orr Spanish ads than English.
that balcony about the ad operations team working on a solution. I have a solution - cut down the number of Spanish speaking ads.
This seems to be a recurring issue. No matter that it seems to be fixed at some point, it still comes back. So for the last couple months I've patiently dealt with the Smith's ad that's in Spanish. Then a 2nd started being played for some business on Redwood Road in Utah. I do live in Utah. Now a 3rd has been added. I think it was for a cable company. It just barely played. And they're playing in 2s now. One Spanish ad after the other. What's so difficult about pegging those ads to be for people whose accounts say they're Spanish speaking? And peg the English speaking ads for those whose accounts say they speak English. Why do English speaking people have to listen to Spanish ads? It's friggin' annoying. I've honestly come to the conclusion that they're not going to stop of their own volition. So now I'm going to have to keep coming here all day to let you know at exactly what time they played in order to get it fixed. This thread is over a year old and none of the techs can figure out how to fix it, without recurrences, after all this time?
And this post is over 3 years old. Seems like it's time to find a new ad operations team, if they can't fix it in 3 years.
Smith's ad 1:53pm followed by mystery ad 1:54pm MST. Both Spanish. I don't know if it's relevant, but I'm listening via the Alexa skill.
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@twinpeaks1965 What is the name of the station you were listening to when those ads played?
Let me know.
Yesterday I was listening to 60s Rock Radio. Today I'm listening to 70s Rock Radio. I listen to a different station every day. It doesn't make a difference with what ads play.
This morning at 9:14 am MST the mystery Spanish ad played. At 9:29 am MST the Redwood Road ad played.
9:41 am MST played an Alzheimer's ad in Spanish. This is a new one. So that makes 4 Spanish ads playing on my account now.
12:21 pm MST Spanish Smith's ad.
9 am MST Spanish Smith's ad. Listening to 80s Pop Radio.
10:21 am MST. Same Spanish Smith's ad.
11:49 am MST Spanish Smith's ad again.
1:22 pm MST. Same Spanish Smith's ad.
09-27-2024 12:36 PM
1:30 pm MST Spanish Alzheimer's ad. Listening to 90s music. I don't think it's a specific station. It's a routine I have with Alexa. It gets the command, "Tell Pandora to shuffle 90's music on the everywhere group." It doesn't say that it's playing a specific station. 90s music just plays. Sorry I can't be more specific on that one 😕 It is the first Spanish ad that I've noticed today. I almost thought it was fixed.
1:57 pm MST Spanish Smith's ad.
2:10 pm MST new mystery Spanish ad.
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Thank you for continuing to report these, @twinpeaks1965.
I have created a ticket with our support team for you.
They will be contacting you privately via email to help look into this further, so please keep an eye out for their message.
Moving forward, we can continue our investigation via email with you in that chain.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Please stop playing Spanish ads. You should provide a toggle for your listeners to choose a language. This is irritating. If not fixed, I’ll switch to the many other music listening options available . Thanks
It's so sad, because now it's over 1000 days later, and we're all still having exactly the same problems, both with the Spanish ads, and the responses to our complaints.
Morning, the commercials on my "Happy Radio" station have now become almost ALL Spanish, yet I speak no Spanish, nor have I indicated that I listen to any Spanish language music. Can you help out with the numerous ads I receive?
I started tracking on 11/04/2024 and here are the times the commercials came through, but I dont have any screenshots of those:
11/04/2024 Eastern Standard Time
10:34am (2 commercials)
11/05/2024 Eastern Standard Time
Started taking screenshots -
11/06/2024 Eastern Standard Time
11:41, there were (2) commercials
@kristenlynnbens Thanks for sending these over.
In the screenshot for the State Farm ad you sent, it looks like the text on that image is in English. To clarify, was the audio for that ad in Spanish while the text in the screenshot was in English?
Let me know.