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iOS: Add Pandora app to iPad home screen

Local Performer

How to add Pandora radio icon to my iPad Home Screen…from a computer moron.


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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Community Manager

Hi, @Da60. 👋

Thanks for visiting the Pandora Community! No worries - I'm happy to walk you through the process. 

From your iPad device:

If you have the Pandora app installed on your iPad, you should be able to view the Pandora app icon on your home screen.

If the app is downloaded but you're unable to locate it, you can use these steps to find it on your iPad:

  • First, to make sure Pandora wasn't accidentally deleted, try to install again, making sure to tap the little cloud icon (or the FREE button) on the Pandora screen in the App Store. If the Pandora screen shows an OPEN button, then the Pandora app is still installed on your device and you just need to find it.
  • Go to the App Library and enter Pandora in the Search field. Once you find Pandora, you can move it wherever you like. Touch and hold the icon with your fingertip until you see the option to add it to your home screen.
  • If the app is not showing up using after running through the above, check whether you have any age restrictions set on your device. Pandora is "unrated", so if you have some restrictions set, it simply won't appear even when installed.

Here's an Apple article with screenshots to help with locating apps: Find your apps in App Library on iPad

I hope this helps. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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