I am having the same issue. I tried all of these fixes and none work so far. For more context this only happens on the home pods, not sync in my truck or other blue tooth devices. It is also only when I start pandora from my phone and transfer it to the home pod, but not when I use Siri to turn pandora on the home pod. When I ask Siri to turn on the station is does not happen. The only fix is to force close pandora on my phone and then open the app again. Very frustrating.
Hi there, @Kgood. 👋
Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
Here are a few commands you can use while listening to Pandora on your Apple HomePod:
Could you share more about the iOS device you're using to connect to your HomePod?
It's helpful to know:
Let me know and I can share this with our engineering team. 🎧
The only issue with using Siri is it doesn’t work with my customized stations, it just plays the standard station.
As for the other information
iPhone 13 pro
software version 15.3.1
pandora software version 2201.1
Thanks for providing those details, @Kgood.
Could you clarify a bit more about your customized stations?
Would you mind giving a station example? I'd like to include this in the report with engineering.
As an example if I play Salt n peppa radio and say hey Siri is play salt n peppa radio on pandora it starts to play. But when I choose it on my phone it is salt n peppa radio feat en vogue (which has more of the songs I enjoy). And I can’t get Siri to distinguish between the two no matter how specific I say it to Siri. Also, once Siri plays a station I can’t like or dislike a song to customize the station further. It will show what song is playing on my phone but when I go to the app it does not show anything.
Thanks for getting back to me with that information, @Kgood. I moved your posts over to a separate thread as this issue sounds a bit different.
I appreciate you taking the time to provide all of these details. I will share your feedback and experience with our engineering team on your behalf. 🎧
This issue is still occurring after months of requesting a fix. My ad free trial that you gave me has now run out and the issue persists. Can you extend the ad free pandora?