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iOS: New User Interface (UI)

Local Performer

Anybody else hate the new UI? Idk why they had to change what was already working so well. I don't like Apple, but the new UI is very Apple-ish! I want my stations listed alphabetically, not by most recent. And, I haven't found any way to change it back to what it was, the way that I like it. Grrrr!

Can anybody help me sort stations alphabetically? 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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1 Reply


Hi @Peep 

We've made no changes to the Pandora app recently. Can you please share a screenshot of what you are seeing when using Pandora.

You can include pictures directly here on community. This is best done on a mobile or web browser. You will NOT be able to include pictures when responding through the email notification you may receive.


To filter your station by A-Z. Tap on My Collection, on the right side, above your station list you can sort by Recent Stations or A-Z.


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