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iOS: Using Cellular to Download

Local Performer

I cant download offline over cellular without extreme difficulty. I have pandora premium and good signal (5 bars of LTE) but the download icon on the station just stays as pending for literal days before starting the download and even then it may not move past a small sliver for, again, days. Getting frustrated as I've been paying for premium for a few months now and have successfully downloaded exactly one station so far. Anyone else have this problem? I live far from wifi and can’t access it. 


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @13edwell. 👋

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Let's go ahead and try some troubleshooting to see if we can fix that.

Please try the following steps from your iPhone:

  • Go to your iPhone Settings.
  • Tap on Cellular, then toggle Cellular Data off and back on.
  • Finally, locate the Cellular Data section and confirm the Pandora app is toggled on.

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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