Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Also if you are going to remove a feature. Then remove the feature completely. I primarily use the mobile app and you can still bookmark songs from the app as of today. Also as @Nocrea pointed out the end users can still get to the bookmarks tab on our profile its just blank. So you probably have a large group of users that are unaware that bookmarks are just "gone" This is very sloppy of your development team and is only going to cause more confusion for the end users.
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That is disappointing, but I can live with that. Is there any way to get a copy of my list of bookmarks that I had created? I was using bookmarks separate to my "thumbs" when I heard a song that I enjoyed, but it didn't fit into the station I was on and I needed to create a station based off of that song or a group of songs. Nothing worse then the algorithm throwing an odd ball song at you that you like but you know that it doesn't fit the mood of a station. Secondly it was the list of music that I wanted to purchase but didn't have the spare funds or spare time to stop and purchase that tract. I would really like that list to finish out my music collection as there were some great tracts on there that are not on my thumbs list.
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