TannerPandora - As a very long time user of Pandora, I’m curious why your response acknowledging the slowness of the Pandora app for FireTv was posted as a Solution. It’s clearly not a solution, just an acknowledgment of the problem. I’ve been experiencing the problem for many many months, starting around the same time Amazon introduced their own music app. I’ve tried all the workarounds posted on the internet. None have worked beyond a few minutes. Given that ALL the other FireTv apps including music apps do not have this slow lag time problem, I can only conclude that this is a low to no priority issue at Pandora. Obviously, technical solutions do exist to resolve this issue. I really like Pandora, but a 3-6 second lag time for each click makes the app not just frustratingly difficult to use but increasingly questionable as to why I should continue to subscribe to it. Regards
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