Same issue here, been going on a year for me too, to greater or lesser degrees. Other audio apps had this issue too initially, but everyone else was able to fix it very quickly; Pandora is the only place I see it anymore, and it’s maddening. Look, I work in IT in software development, and I can tell you a few things for sure: it doesn’t take a year to fix this, there are resources to help you if you want them, and this just screams that you’re not bothering to support the API correctly (or are trying to be “clever” and do your own thing instead, and it’s not working). AirPlay is not going to go away. The re-introduction of the big HomePods proves that Apple is leaning harder into this space, not less. You’re competing against Spotify and Apple Music, both of which have advantages you lack. At least you could provide a better experience than they do! FWIW, it doesn’t appear to only happen to me after ads, though that’s a common (and suspicious) one. Funny the ads never mute. Sometimes it happens between songs in general. which brings me to my final point: I resisted subscriptions for a long time, but now I have a bunch of them, and I thought it was time to finally subscribe to pandora and support them, and also get the better feature set. But if you still can’t support seamless playback on the platforms I use, how can I subscribe and pay for janky playback???
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