It's not complicated, all devices have an input device to select things like this. If you can search you can allows MODES. Deep Cuts, New Releases, crown Favorites. Less than functionality advertised the product as lacking across platform. What if Google only allowed searches for most recent entries on web search? Or only entries based on your location? The uselessness is obvious. its not like pandora had time to get this on the roadmap, in the backlog, sprint or expand on the MVP. likey they have devs that work in silos for each product/platform, and they don't have a common framework which the code relies on. That's somewhat expected across platforms but there is a common code set for all platforms, including Apple, Roku, Visio and all other app sets for smart devices. but then again, the devs they have can't even make a new line generate a capital letter on new line, JFC this was part of web code frameworks over 10 years ago. its more likely they are cashing checks instead of updating what somewhat works. It's owned by Sirius so that explains much, the devs that were good likely cost too much and were eliminated. This isn't some built in firmware garbage like on a sirrusxm radio that has zero mouse style input. 6.4milkikn subscribers at $5 a month. That's 32m revenue a month, 384m a year. I'd their ascap costs eat up all of that then they need to find better (((attorneys))) to negotiate better pay to play. I mean it's written in java, how is this so f'ing hard?
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