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0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Pandora, I agree with Warrwirr and Mvarilek, and I appreciate JordanKeoto's question to open the conversation. Warrwirr and Mvarilek are correct in saying this is mostly for playlist editing purposes. If there is a song on a playlist that you think is "meh," I want to delete it without scrolling. Also, totally unrelated to editing, perhaps you want to start your Workout Playlist from a certain song because right now that's your ultimate jam, but let's have the rest of the great playlist roll too. It would be more conventient to search for that song within the playlist rather than scrolling/remembering where the song was in the playlist. The main problem I expeirenced, however, was duplicating a song add to a playlist (I can't help it, I hear a song I love and add it to every playlist, then I hear it again and I add it to every playlist again), but I believe Pandora solved this with the recognition of a "duplicate song" in a playlist? Let me know if this feature is widespread. Would a "Delete Duplictes" button work? I would need to experiment the implmentation of this feature, but it seems like a good option. Pandora, your music discovery is so much better than Spotify and I want you to succeed! I was sad to hear you were tettering on bankruptcy and were bought by Sirius XM Radio. Please keep pumping out great tunes! And support artists!
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