ANDROID: SOLUTION TO PREVENT PANDORA AUTOMATIC PLAYING AFTER BEING CLOSED I was able to stop Pandora from automatically playing but I'm not exactly sure which steps solved the problem. BACKGROUND INFO: I do NOT have Pandora premium. My phone is Samsung A14 and I always turn it off at night while charging. I think that something happened with the Pandora app and I probably uninstalled/reinstalled which probably caused the automate playing over the past 1 or 2 weeks every morning as soon as the phone is turned on. TROUBLESHOOTING SOLUTION: I'm not sure in what order I did the process steps OR if all of the steps are necessary but the automatic play has STOPPED (the Pandora notification is still present every morning at the top of my phone with Unknown Uknown but the app doesn't automatically play). STEP-● CLEARED CACHE - on ALMOST every APP (go into Settings > APPS and literally clicked on ALMOST every APP one by one and click CLEAR CACHE). WARNING: DO NOT CLEAR THE CACHE FOR APPS WHERE THE CONTENT IS ONLY STORED ON YOUR PHONE (like SAMSUNG NOTES and GALLERY because you will regret it). My old phone had less memory so I kept getting error messages that memory was low. Samsung suggested that I clear app caches after doing a "sort by size" basically clearing the cache on apps from largest to smallest. I cleared the cache on my Samsung Notes which erased all my notes but Samsung was able to restore them (that experience really scared me). NOTE: If you're more techno savvy, you might know that you only need to clear the cache only on certain APPs (like the APPS Manager or any APPS that are associated with how apps function on your phone). STEP-●Uninstall and reinstall Pandora I don't remember if I did the unistall and reinstall of Pandora prior to or after the clearing the cache process but I do know that the automate play has STOPPED. I really like Pandora, listen all day at work, and during my workout at the gym. It has been a reflief to not wake up to a song blasting on my phone after turning it on. Praise the Lord and I hope that others are able to have success with this solution.
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