Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
10/28/2008 | PLUS | 7 | 76 | 391 | 6520 | 1 |
I have already "liked" that thread, thanks, and replied to it. It is a symptom of general inconsistency in Pandora that station modes are not carried from device to device.
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Dear Pandora folks, Where, exactly, do the "tune your station" modes apply? Do they only apply across the board to all instances of my account playing a given Pandora station in my account, or do they only apply to the instance of the station where I have made the "mode" selection? That is: if I use the web interface to change the "tune your station" mode for a given station, does that mode selection then apply to that station when I play it on some other device (e.g., Echo or a smart TV app)? Thank you!
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Please, please, either: Make the Pandora Mode settings apply to my account/profile wherever it is playing, and/or Add a command to the Alexa voice interface to "set Pandora mode [to] discovery (etc)". Thank you!
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PLEASE: make Modes a per station setting that is carried by the station, and not by the device! So that I can have the desired richness afforded by a mode set to be applied when I call for a station on an interfaceless device (Echo, Home, etc), or on a device with a Pandora interface that doesn't include modes (e.g., mobile). I just want to set the mode once and then assume that it is applied across all my ways of enjoying Pandora. .
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