Sadly, I think this may be about money. That's the only explanation for why Pandora keeps wanting to play the same songs over and over. Maybe they cache certain songs, to save on delivery costs. Or maybe they get bulk discounts on a few particular songs. And then keep playing those songs till you can't stand it anymore. It's as if the Rolling Stones only recorded one song: Beast of Burden! And in shuffle mode, I end up downvoting that little dittie over and over, due to overlap in my stations. It's true some folks may not mind the repetition, but (speaking of money) it's enough of an annoyance to tempt me to leave Pandora altogether. Ideally, I'd like to see a slider which one could set between two extremes: "deep cuts", and "best of" -- with a place to set this globally, as well as by station. But what would the accountants say? 🤔
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