I have an idea that I think will make Pandora a lot of extra money and also Improve The user experience.
I have money friends who have the money for the premium channel but refuse to pay for it. We will be in a large group listening to Pandora and nothing ruins the vibe more than a commercial coming on. We always joke around about them not being able to afford it but the truth of the matter is, they just haven't pulled the trigger and don't know how much better it is. My idea is to be able to gift just one month of Premium Pandora to your friend so while you're hanging out during that time, none of the other friends have to hear the horrible commercials and the customer that doesn't have it has a chance to see how wonderful it is. A lot of people aren't willing to pay for a 6-month or a one-year gift subscription but will gladly pay for one month for their friends so they don't have to hear the commercials and their friends can know how wonderful it is. At the end of that time, Pandora can ask them if they want to continue their premium subscription, maybe with a discount for one more month and even if they choose not to continue it, your company will have still made extra money because that one friend didn't want to have to listen to commercials. Please Implement us! I would definitely be buying some gift subscriptions for a few of my friends.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
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