"I can only guess that Pandora is leaving the business of streaming music ..." I think, from what I have read, that is a very correct assessment. Apparently, Pandora was bought in 2019 for $3.5 Billion by SiriusXm. I have seen, over time, a number of articles indicating that Pandora's business performance did not meet SiriusXM's expectations and, per a 2021 news report, had then lost over 10 million users. Other articles I have seen this past year seem to indicate the loss of users continues and "... Pandora ... eyes ... further cost efficiencies". Therefore, it makes sense to me, SiriusXM is just not going to pump any consequential resources into an apparently dying product and fix this problem. I am very disappointed as Pandora does a good job of serving all my auto entertainment needs and I would much prefer to continue to use it.
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