@AlyssaPandora Hey there, I know this is an old post, but that's actually why I was quite surprised to find this. I just recently switched over to Pandora Premium from Spotify. I've been enjoying the far better radios, but I've been a bit frustrated because I thought the queue feature on my phone was broken. Until I researched it and found this thread. I was very surprised to find out that this wasn't a bug, but the way the program is intentionally designed. I'm even more surprised to discover that this has been a significant complaint from the community for years now. It seems that the feature has faced an overwhelmingly negative reception, so why has nothing changed yet? I am genuinely curious, as I know myself and many other users would really like to see this app actually have a queue feature in it. Idk, just kinda seems like a shot in the foot on pandora's end.
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