As it pertains to the limit and trial thing, yeah, I eventually figured out that only the Premium trial and account increase your limit to listening to different songs... The biggest thing I would say there is that your advertising between Plus and Premium needs to be clearer (because a lot of people don't get that from what's currently being advertised). As it pertains to the skipping... I will start playing the "On Demand" song(s) that I like and then after a variable amount of time (sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 40 minutes) my music would stop playing, so then I would go to select one of my songs and select it... Now if it was a single song I selected (not from an album playlist, or other playlist) then it would simply stay on the same song but act like it was skipping tracks (kinda like it looks when a song is buffering, but there would be no "buffering" text), it would last only about a second then end up doing the exact same thing over and over (on playlists it would do the same but skip to the next song on the playlist as well)... after about 10 of these in a row it would stop loading songs (you could still select a song again, but same issue would endlessly repeat... you could close the app and reopen, but same issue)... strange as well is the fact that if this happened you couldn't just wait for your session to run out because it would just stay like that (collection showing, no ads, etc) as if it was stuck between the programming of premium sessions and an actual premium account... it was weird. The only thing I could do to fix it was to log out of Pandora and then back in (and eventually luck out at things working normally again... PS: It did seem that if I loaded it up and then closed the app and let my session run out the odds of it going back to normal increased)... Have not had this issue yet since starting the Premium trial, but that scared me away from signing on for quite a while (who wants to pay for a broken program)... so you should probably try to fix that if you can. Lastly, the half my collection missing... I don't listen to the Pandora radio stations at all, my collection is exclusively singles. What would happen is that when I logged out of my account on the app I would log back in and start my session, then after the ad and my collection became visible again I saw that a random assortment of all my collected songs were missing for my collection (about half). At the time I had just collected songs and had not put any of them together into playlists and had probably about 50-100 different albums in my collection, putting them together into playlists seems to have fixed this (but I wonder if that'll keep working, or if when I have enough playlists if it'll come back in that form)... Closing the app then reopening it seemed to fix this without ending my session so it wasn't a big problem, but still a hassle and a bit of a scare at the time and turn off to investing further in the service (PS: I have also had some times where I logged back in to my Pandora app and after the add when my collection becomes viewable and then my whole collection is completely empty as of late... the only fix, log off of the app and then log back in again). Again, no trouble since starting the Premium trial so far... but again, something that can cost Pandora a lot of people if left unchecked. Will for sure let you guys know if I have any issues during the trial (especially considering that as much as I want to support Pandora as a premium member I refuse to pay for broken product of any kind). PS: I am willing to accept any problems that involve fixing by closing and reopening the app as a problem with my Android, but the logging off and back on my account with you guys is obviously a problem with your program/service... it seems like you guys just have a lot of program looping issues that keep things from loading properly (and blaming that on Androids is like Chrome blaming Android users for not being able to scroll websites that work perfectly fine with different browsers... keep in mind, both are Google... and if Google refuses to make compatibility improvements to their products for Androids then they're making a huge mistake that is gonna cost them many customers such as myself that have chosen to use their phones in place of computers... I'm more or less anti-technology and yet even I see that phones are and will continue to replace desktops and to a lesser extent laptops as time goes by... Long story short, fix the compatibility issues with Androids if Androids are being so significantly impacted by your programs. Hope this helps.
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