Local Performer
Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
8/20/2007 | FREE | 11 | 139 | 94 | 1877 | 0 |
This is a proposed resolution to dealing with the surfeit of radio stations created by voice home assistants. Situation: Maybe Alexa misheard you and instead of playing your carefully curated "Prelude in D Minor" radio station, it creates a new, inferior "Prelude in E Minor" radio station. Maybe your children inadvertently create new radio stations every time they demand Google Home to play "Let It Go." Maybe you can't think of an existing station, but you want a novel, temporary station based on "Old Town Road." But in all of these cases, you still want your assistant to play something right then, but you don't want tens or hundreds of naive radio stations based on a single track automatically cluttering your "My Collection." My solution would be to add a "temporary" station list, i.e. a queue that keeps the last ~10 stations spontaneously created outside of the Pandora ecosystem. These would appear on the Pandora page similar to normal stations, just under a different heading. The user then has to take some explicit action to immortalize the station in their collection (this could be a command to Alexa "Please save this Pandora station" or an option in the Pandora site/app). If no explicit save command is ever issued, the station gets bumped off the end of the queue as new stations are created. This way you can still create stations, up-vote songs, see your track history etc. in the short term if you want to, without grossly contaminating your collection.
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I think there is still some value in creating a station from whatever random song you say. But as others have said, songs shouted at Alexa by my whimsical children should not create a litany of stations that dominate my carefully curated collection. I would propose adding a "temporary" station list, i.e. a queue that keeps the last ~10 stations spontaneously created outside of the Pandora ecosystem. The user then has to take some explicit action to immortalize the station in their collection (this could be a command to Alexa "Please save this Pandora station" or an option in the Pandora site/app). If no explicit save command is issued, the station gets bumped off the end of the queue as new stations are created. This way you can still create stations, up vote songs, see your track history etc. in the short term if you want to, without grossly contaminating your collection.
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