@TannerPandora @AlyssaPandora
and to others who may be having similar concerns. (scroll past the back story (TO HERE), will appear... I was able to connect on my PC and Surface, but not on my iPhone..
I got a replacement device and found this forum yesterday, due too not being able to log into my account on this iPhone 6 S+. It was running IOS 13..., greater than 11, but don't have all the details.
Anyways, throughout this effort, I had, on the new iPhone:
* Installed the Pandora app,. uninstalled and re-installed it several times.
* Attempted several time to make changes to the login information on the iPhone while accessing the Pandora app settings. i.e. tried older email and passwords, attempted to update email or password, all were uneventful in getting it connected.
Skip ahead to (TO HERE). This is what finally got it connected, but not sure what actually solved it:
On the iPhone, I just followed the instructions to install the app with a free basic account, linked to a different email address,
This got my phone connected and able to play music.
Then through the apps settings I deleted the new basic profile.
On the PC (this was done on my Surface, but should work on the PC), in the Pandora App's settings, Edited my info and changed my password.
I had also changed the email address in a second step, from (when I originally set it up) to my i Cloud mail (BTW i Cloud account is where my subscription is managed)
On the iPhone I then accessed the Pandora App. (having deleted the previous basic account, I needed to log in, with my original account's updated (email and password).
then came the smile, back to my upgraded account,
This gives me access to my upgraded service and previously collected stations ( ...and thumbs adjustments.)
Good luck to everyone who unfortunately had to find this. (:{)
Maybe our friends with connections at Pandora... can:
Work with developers and other subject matter experts, at Pandora or related business partners, to figure out which steps were actually fixing my issues.
With a focused group of experts like this, ask and record a few iterations of each of the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where and why) iterated enough times, to find what some call the root cause(s) of the issue(s)'
then produce a specific step'by step, set of instructions to share with this and other forums, with related problems
Also, recommend the developers and business leaders decide which root causes can have a plan developed and committed to, then once execution initiated follow-up and follow through, until resolved.
@TannerPandora @AlyssaPandora
Thanks for helping out the community and trying to get concerns addressed.
Please, make sure others don't call this a rant, but see it as constructive feedback.
I've offered and extenuated to help others, and improve the Pandora product, which I still enjoy and want to keep!
Happy listening and Peace out
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